Radiant Pillars
For Orchestra
International Call for Scores Winner: 2023 EarShot New Music Readings, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra & American Composers Orchestra
Premiere (Small Orchestra Version): Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Wiley conductor - Cincinnati Music Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2023
The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra premiere recording is available for private review only. Contact Martin Hebel to request access.
Radiant Pillars for Orchestra is available in two versions
Large Orchestra Version
11 minutes | / / Timp. 2 Perc. 1 Cel.+Pno. Harp / Strings | 2024
Small Orchestra Version
11 minutes | / / Timp. 1 Perc. 1 Cel.+Pno. Harp / Strings | 2020
Radiant Pillars is an abstract reflection on two scientific observations which expanded our understanding of the universe: the Hubble telescope image, “Pillars of Creation,” showing stars forming from massive clouds of gas and dust, and the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background, the edge of the universe still expanding from the Big Bang.
Radiant Pillars begins by contrasting light, gently reverberating motives and delicate fragments with darker, colossal columns, illuminated by cascades of vivid, intense color. Bright, vibrant flourishes follow, building a torrent of energy as Radiant Pillars culminates in an immense explosion. Finally, clear, gentle fragments return, echoing as they fade away.
Radiant Pillars is also available for solo piano.
Performance Notes
An optional, silent video projection is available from the composer to accompany Radiant Pillars. The video is available in two versions: the “Short Version” is intended for performances lasting between 11:00-12:00 in duration; the “Long Version” is intended for performances lasting 12:00-14:00 in duration.
Each video begins with 15 seconds of black screen for flexibility. Both versions include an extended black screen after the last image and before the credits appear to allow for variance in performance duration. No click-track or coordination is required.
Select the version of the video projection that best matches your expected performance duration. Start the appropriate version of the video at the beginning of your performance and let it run. Performers may choose to pause the video once the performance has concluded or allow the credits to appear as desired.